Tuesday, June 16, 2015

June 15, 2015 - So Happy

June 15, 2015 – So Happy
Erik - Hey everyone! This week in Eagle has been stretching my physical and spiritual limits. Wednesday was probably my hardest day so far on my mission; we did three service projects (sprinkler maintenance, spraying weeds in tons of mosquitoes, and digging dirt) and by the end, me and Elder Anderson were so sweaty. On the plus side, I've got my weight down to 255 pounds!

Even though my birthday is coming up, I'm so excited to be teaching people that it doesn't really effect me that much. But I am excited to see what you have sent me, and keep sending prayers for us. It really helps. Right now, we don't really have any investigators, but we hope to get more correlation this week with the members to get referrals and stuff.

Also, we helped nurse a 2 day old puppy back to health! It was a bit odd to milk a dog using a syringe, but it was definitely journal worthy.

The work here is slow, but we have some potential investigators we would like to meet today, so keep looking for good news! Tell Grandma and Grandpa thanks for the card!

Tony: I especially like your subject line. Have you heard anything about the evaluation process for whether you'll continue on after 3 months?
Erik: I have asked around, but most of the missionaries in my area say that two-transfer missionaries usually go home for a bit after 3 months, then return, but I don't have any idea how it works or who to talk to for that.
Tony: Well, it's probably best to just keep your shoulder to the wheel until further notice, then. Do you write to your mission president or communicate with your zone or district leaders on a regular basis?  
Tara: Hi my boy! I love that you are happy and working hard!!  Sounds like a crazy week! I'm glad to hear that you are writing your experiences in your journal too. I miss you and love you and pray for you always!!!!  Have any pictures this week?  

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